Living An Opportunity-Driven Life by Otolorin Olabode

June 03, 2017

Life to us (humans) seems so difficult whereas death looks so easy. The question is why don't we just commit suicide and just leave this world ? Why are we 'wasting' our time suffering all day, living our life on the food ration 0-0-1. However,something keeps us going every day, enduring all difficulties and fixing our eyes on that goal we're about to achieve.

Life sometimes might seem so frustrating, particularly for students always having lectures from 8-6 as there's hardly no time for any extracurricular activities. Nevertheless, looking at how we persevere despite the challenges we encounter daily, a specific set of people deserve commendation. These class of people don't give up easily,always ready to capitalise on any opportunity that comes their way. They are defiant in their ability to live,survive and eventually succeed in life. They are the ACHIEVERS. Nevertheless, we have another set of people who are similar to the achievers but they are not just them. They are ready to accept their fate and believe whatever is occurring to them has been outlined for them in the course of their destiny. They just want to live in order to survive. When an opportunity comes their way to make it in life ,they just let that chance pass believing a better opportunity would come again. They blame any misfortune happening to them on other people. Always depending on their friends for survival.

    Seriously, where do we belong? Do we make use of the favorable circumstances that life present to us. Opportunity as defined by The Oxford Learner's dictionary refers to

'a time when a particular situation makes it possible to do or achieve something'. However, a wider number of the population don't believe that notion that 'opportunity comes but once'. Do we  make use of them even if they occur daily? Must we always blame our hardship and challenges on the leadership of the country? Before President Buhari came on board,didn't we live our lives in comfort? Come to think of it,why are others still living their lives comfortably, enjoying life, making waves, and harnessing their God-given talent for their own profit. Yet, we have people waking up and raining curses on the country's leadership. I remember when there was no light in the school hostel for a day, people would regularly 'register' their curses on Buhari. Why? Any way we might see it,don't let us play the blame game. Let us see opportunities as a chance for advancement and let's bring them out of life. If everyone in this world can see opportunities, chances,ideas and snuff them out of life ,then the country would be devoid of aged people washing public toilets,teenagers earning a living through armed robbery or militants bursting up every oil rig in the Niger Delta. Life is full of opportunities, our minds is enveloped with ideas. Let's strive to make the world a better place.

Otolorin Olabode(ViewsFromTheBod)

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